Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How I Met Your Mother

Assalamualaikum fellas..
How are you??
I'm doing great right now..

Well, today, I wanna tell u fellas about an interesting movie series that u guys should watch..
The movie is..
"How I Met Your Mother"
Ok, to those who has yet to see this movie, u MUST see it!!!
It's truly an amazing story..
I've watched it from season 1 till 4 but still haven't finished it yet..
The movie is about Ted, telling stories to his children on how he met thier mother..
It is really interesting because through out the series and episode,
there must be different stories brought up but it relates to one another..
It is sort of the famous television series of FRIENDS..
But this series, is full of mystery..
I mean, it makes you curious on what happen to him??
What happen to their relationship??

But 1 thing my friend, if you wanna watch this movie,
please don't follow what they're doing..
obviously, they're teaching us to have sex freely with anybody that you like..
That's is 1 thing that is not good about this show..
Other than that, they thought you on how friends should be..
Always on friends bake when they needed us the most..
and Barney thought us on how to hook up with women..
of course, minus the sex please..
But, for those who are still single and looking for a girlfriend,
u should learn from him..

I guess, thats all that I'm writing..
If u wanna know how good is the show,
u better watch it urself..
It's hilarious, romantic, tragedy, sad, happy and fun that u mix in 1 movie..

So, get it!!!